11 Nov 2016 |
Alarmed by the plastic litter on our beaches, much of it plastic, and much of it destined to end up in the ocean, a group of Bullis Charter School’s 4th graders want to save our animal allies by cleaning up the litter. They have a plan and are sticking to it. The plan? Build a robot.
The robot will be electric, of course, and solar powered. It will charge by day and work all night. It will pick up trash, sort it then recycle the “good” plastic into something useful. It’s more of a Re-Bot (Recycling-Robot) whose concept we hope gets reused (pun, intended!).
How They Got The Idea
They got their ideas by talking to family, friends and researching the internet. They also asked GreenTown for advice, and GreenTown delivered.
Finally, we suggested they really need to take a field trip and look at the beach. Observe obstacles that the robot will face – rocks, driftwood and kelp, and count the amount of “good” plastic that is out there.
That basic research will make sure their robot idea will work.
We enjoyed the enthusiasm and wish them nothing but the best.