GreenTown Los Altos

Watts | All Things Energy

About Energy? We Know “Watt” Works

Solar. Community Choice Energy. LEDs. Electric Cars. We embrace them all.

Solar Promotions Where Everyone Wins:

When it comes to solar, our “Unleash The Power On Your Roof” campaign laid some educational groundwork for anyone considering solar. Not to mention, some good deals on installations all from local vendors. Tapping the sun’s clean, free energy is about as good as it gets.

Energy Savers Program: GreenTown’s Energy Savers Program provides information and education on reducing home energy use and increasing the use Facebook-Banner-Unleash-R4of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind.

Free Online Energy Audit – We have a new, free energy efficiency service available to us. It’s administered by PG&E and available to SVCE customers too. You will receive an online energy audit of your smart meter data, no/low-cost recommendations and help from an energy coach. Click HERE to begin.

In-home Assessment – Visit Energy Upgrade California to identify contractors qualified to provide in-home assessments under the program. The contractor comes to your home, performs diagnostic tests and physical inspections, prepares recommendations on how you can save energy, and connect you with available rebates. Rebates up to $4000 are currently available for home energy upgrades. For other information:
  • See our Resources Page for helpful links, including GreenTown videos on How to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient.
  • View the presentation: “Energy and Homes: Taking Control of Your Home’s Carbon Footprint” delivered by Recurve to GreenTown Los Altos in 2010.
  • Check back for GreenTown Workshops and Green Home Tours, for inform and hands-on education about energy-saving opportunities.

GTLA word of day 2Interested in energy efficiency and renewable energy? Want to bring your interest and skills to the Energy Savers Team? Please email us.

Gary Hedden, Chair