GreenTown Los Altos

Member and Volunteer Survey

GreenTown Los Altos is a grassroots initiative of residents and businesses in Los Altos and Los Altos Hills. Our mission is to educate and inspire the people of our communities to take action that will make our communities more environmentally healthy and vibrant today and for future generations. We have four program areas: bike/walk, water, energy, and waste. These are designed to provide residents of our communities with the knowledge to make informed decisions about their choices.

We’d appreciate learning more about you and your interests!

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GreenTown Member and Volunteer Survey
GreenTown Los Altos is a grassroots initiative of residents and businesses in Los Altos and Los Altos Hills. Our mission is to educate and inspire the people of our communities to take action that will make our communities more environmentally healthy and vibrant today and for future generations. Our program areas are designed to provide residents of our communities with the knowledge to make informed decisions about their choices.

We'd appreciate learning more about you and your interests!
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* Indicates required question
Name: *
Your answer
Contact information (please include address, phone and email): *
Your answer
What's the best way to contact you?
Snail mail
Are you a new volunteer to GreenTown Los Altos?
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How did you hear about GreenTown? *
Your answer
What are you passionate about when it comes to the environment?
Your answer
What topics are of particular interest to you? *
Check all that apply:
Do you have special expertise or skills that you'd be interested in applying at GreenTown?
Your answer
Tell what types of volunteer activities you're interested in: *
Check all that apply:
What local organizations, groups, schools, and/or faith organizations are you involved with?
Your answer
Please add any additional comments below. Thank you for your interest!
Contact with questions.
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