GreenTown Los Altos
  • Kids excitedly taking in every drop of knowledge when it comes to water.
  • Learning the right way to install a grey water system.

Creek Clean Up

Creek Cleanups: Clean Water In Your House


To foster a healthy watershed, in 2011 GreenTown “adopted” the Permanente Creek Diversion Channel through the Santa Clara Valley Water District. The channel runs from Heritage Oaks Park a Portland and Miramonte Avenue to Stevens Creek at Highway 85 and it is our “baby”.

Our commitment? Organize and gather volunteers for two yearly creek cleanup events. Greentown Los Altos’ Heritage Oaks Park is one of 50 cleanup sites throughout the county.GTLA water creek cleanup data

These clean-ups have yielded spectacular results as shown by the graphic.

In Sept. 2016, 30 GreenTown Los Altos volunteers cleaned about 3/4 mile of Permanente Creek and the adjacent diversion channel. We removed 8.4 pounds of trash. 16.8 pounds of glass, metal and plastic were recycled and 2 pounds of debris composted. This 2016 Coastal Cleanup Day throughout  Santa Clara County totaled a record breaking 1,883 volunteers, 60.75 miles of waterways cleaned, 55,010 pounds of trash collected, and 6442 pounds of recyclables removed. The trash removed was equal in weight to 19 Toyota Prius vehicles!

Thanks to our friends at GrassRoots Ecology for the engaging Enviroscape activity that helped inspire us to reduce watershed pollution.

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