GreenTown Los Altos


  • Kris Jensen

  • As Executive Director, Kris is our quintessential perfect match. The living embodiment of an advocate, starting at age 13 by penning a note to Pres. Reagan protesting removing the White […]

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  • Gary Hedden, President

  • Gary heads up GreenTown’s energy efforts. Given his high energy, a natural fit. Our prolific writer and biking phenom, he leads popular events, like the Historic Bike Ride, Native Garden […]

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  • Margie Suozzo, Vice-President

  • Margie is simply the icon of environmental passion. Whipping out facts off the top of her head, while biking around town, heading to teach, evangelize and educate our community about […]

  • Don Weiden, Treasurer

  • Don’s career as a civil/environmental engineer and his personal enjoyment in wilderness camping since grade school have led to his interest in minimizing the impacts of our engineered and human […]

  • Jana Schlansker, Secretary

  • Jana is our organizational go to. Her smiling face makes it easy to make any request and know it will be one more piece of the GreenTown puzzle, from organizing […]

  • Michele Gerstel

  • Michele admits joining the GreenTown team was a no brainer. Why? Who wouldn’t want to be a part of a team of passionate, brilliant residents working to improve our community’s […]

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  • Connie Miller

  • As a Bay Area native and Los Altos resident who has spent her entire life enjoying the abundance of nature our region offers, Connie sees the urgent need to act […]

  • Donna Staton

  • Donna Staton is a semi-retired pediatrician, now working in global child health. She moved to the Bay Area a few years ago and lives in Los Altos Hills with her […]

  • Suresh Venkatraman

  • Suresh’s daughters’ engagement in environmental causes were a major influence to join GreenTown. Youth all over the world are asking us, the current stewards, to do everything we can to […]

  • Cheryl Weiden

  • Cheryl became an environmental advocate when she became aware of the importance of sustaining the earth for the future of her children.  She met her husband, Don, on a cycling […]

  • Linda Ziff

  • As Water Program Lead, Linda stays focused on educating our community about all things water. From creek clean ups that end up providing us all cleaner water to monthly meetings […]

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