GreenTown Los Altos

This Was Destiny!


May 2020


Rather unexpectedly, two Cedar tress destined for Montclaire School found a new home.


The school closures put a stop to planting them in March as we’d planned. The poor trees sat in their containers at Gary’s house, dejected but getting regular watering, while we hoped for an early opening of the school campus. Our hopes were dashed when it was announced that the school would remain closed until next fall.


Then, the very next day, we were happily surprised. An inquiry from Ventano preschool arrived! The preschool is located on the grounds of Christ Episcopal Church on Border Road. They had recently lost two redwood trees, noticed that GreenTown Los Altos was planting trees and said they would like two large trees as replacements. Specifically, they would like two cedar trees.

 I have to say that gave me a little bit of a tingle. Montclaire school gave up the trees and the very next day, Ventano wanted them.  It must be divine intervention.


Maybe, maybe not, we planted the trees and they look beautiful.


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