GreenTown Los Altos


Author Archives: Cheryl Weiden


May 2020


Step Up to Support Climate Action in Los Altos! Make Your Voice Heard.

The Los Altos City Council is now considering building electrification Reach Codes. These upgrades to the California state building codes are important for the future of our health, our families […]

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Jan 2020


Carbon Bootcamp – Kicking The Environment’s Butt!

Over the summer GreenTown Los Altos sponsored 154 participants in a sustainability encouraging program called Carbon Bootcamp. Carbon BootCamp’s a fun, text-based, real-time six-week program designed to help participants lower […]

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Oct 2019


7th Graders Ask School Board and City Council To Protect Health

Rising star environmental advocates, Addy Kopp, Ezri Rohatgi and Mia Ravishankar were sixth graders at Loyola, concerned about the environment and wanted to do something about it. Out of this […]

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May 2019


The Anti-Idling Campaign Results Are In. And Impressive!

We have the results from the Los Altos High School Anti-Idling Campaign! With total idling observed reduced by 79%. So how’d we gather the data? We surveyed idling before and […]

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May 2019


Introducing The Carbon Bootcamp. Cool The Planet. #OneChoiceAtATime

Introducing the Carbon Bootcamp! An easy way for us to collectively make an impact at cooling the planet by the choices we make. One choice at a time. So what […]

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May 2019


A New Twist For Fighting Climate Change: Show Us The Money!

At GreenTown Los Altos we’re always looking for innovative ways to fight climate change. And we found one. The keyword is Divestment. Both Los Altos and Los Altos Hills invest […]

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May 2019


An Additional Way To Fight Climate Change.

Want to do more to fight climate change? Here’s a simple way to make a mark. Thanks to Silicon Valley Clean Energy (SVCE), we have a carbon-free electric power supply. […]

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Mar 2019


Silicon Valley Clean Energy, Deep Decarbonization, Rebates and You!

by Cheryl Weiden Deep Decarbonization. The terminology is not exactly widespread but it’s significant because its impact is wide and deep. And Silicon Valley Clean Energy (SVCE) is addressing this […]

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Feb 2019


Shrink Your Carbon Footprint Get A Rebate. Yep!

We’re all about shrinking our collective carbon footprint (we even have an evening event about it which you can register for here) which is why finding these rebates felt like […]

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Feb 2019


Vroom! Anti-Idling Campaign Gaining Traction

Interested in reducing health risks from air toxins at your child’s school? GreenTown can help! Word of the health risks to children from air toxins in idling vehicle emissions is […]

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Nov 2018


Idling Engines are Harming our Children

Do your friends sit in their cars with the engines on while waiting for their kids to get out of school? Okay, maybe you’ve even done it yourself once or […]

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Nov 2017


Holiday Gifts Are The Best! Waste Is The Worst. How To Enjoy Both.

Holiday giving is fun for many reasons, including the excitement of gift giving. With the challenge of what to get the kids always top of mind, it is rare for […]

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